The story of the beautiful 35-year-old Jessica Starr from Detroit's Fox 2 News quickly escalated from a gorgeous, bright blue-eyed mother of 2 taking her own life leaving everyone sad and confused, to a tragically horrifying story of a beautiful woman seemingly unable to cope with laser eye surgery complications.
Now there's horrifying information confirming Starr is the ELEVENTH PERSON to commit suicide as a result of laser eye surgery complications.
BET reported others include 54-year-old Paul Fitzgerald in October, who said in his suicide note: “I cannot experience any type of pleasure anymore. Just the pain of burning eyes inside my head and throughout myself… Since 1996 pain, pain and more pain, please forgive me for not being strong enough to cope.”
Max Cronin is another, having received 2 surgeries, who described the pain as: “needles sticking into my eyes continuously.”
Starr's case spoke more to "blurry" vision issues that just couldn't be helped apparently, according to the above video.
Idk about you, but I'm pretty damn blind without glasses and while yes, it's annoying and kind of scary to barely see through my own unassisted eyes, I'll take that all damn day over what sounds like brutally unforgiving torture these poor people endured for months, even years (20 years in Fitzgerald's case). Even one case scares me enough to share this side of the story, you know? Of course I'm sure procedures have been updated according to new information found, etc. but this has happened and another recent case does call for a bit of 'hey, let's talk about this'.
Or let's just eat a lot of carrots and try to improve on what we have instead of spearing our eyeballs with lasers from now on, cool? For now, that's the route I'll go with.