Woman “Shamed” For Not Giving Up First-Class Seat For 10-Year-Old

airplane seat in the airplane

Photo: franckreporter / E+ / Getty Images

On a recent international flight, a 23-year-old woman was set to enjoy the frequent-flyer perk of a first-class upgrade for a 13-hour flight destined for San Francisco. Instead, she got a little shaming. It seems that a couple had also gotten first-class upgrades, which meant they had to leave their ten-year-old back in coach. When asked to give up her seat for the kid for an upgrade at a later date, she refused, which got her the stink-eye from other passengers…including an elderly woman seated nearby. It does beg the question, though, of why didn’t the couple get the same stink-eye for not giving up their first-class seats to another couple in coach so they could stay with their son, right?

Check out the story at Mirror 

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