The Top Reasons Women Are Faking It

passionate couple is having sex on bed

Photo: Witthaya Prasongsin / Moment / Getty Images

As studly as a guy might think he is, there’s little doubt that a woman has faked an orgasm or three with him at some point. A recent survey from Beducated took a face-first dive into what’s known as “the orgasm gap” – otherwise known as “the statistical gap between how often men and women climax during partnered heterosexual sex.” 

Among the survey’s findings: 

  • Men are about twice as likely to have their big moment as their female partners during intercourse
  • 41% of men say they “always” climax, as opposed to 15% of women
  • That “orgasm gap” disappears when either person gets into self-service mode, where 63% of men and 58% of women “always” complete their mission 

The survey also found that women are three times more likely to fake the Big-O than men…leading us to the reasons why: 

  • 23% of women fake it to “avoid hurting their partner’s feelings”
  • 14% say that they’re “tired and want to end sex”
  • 13% say that societal or partner pressure makes them do it so they can fulfill the expectations of their partner 

Remember back in school when you had sex-ed class? Well, only 3% of respondents said “pleasure” was covered, leading to two major problems: men don’t seem to know what they're doing…and women don’t know how to communicate what they want to help them out. 

Read the article at Ask Men

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