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Think back through your entire dating history. How many different lines, techniques, and styles did you go through before you found something that you were confident got you the action you were so desperately craving? Psychologists were curious as to which flirting technique had the most potential for success, so researchers from the United States and Norway teamed up.
Through their tag-team action, they were able to put together a list of forty different flirting techniques. Then, they organized 1,000 people and got their responses to each of the techniques to determine which ones made you a stud…and which ones made you a dud. Eye-contact was a biggie…unless it was in the form of a creepy-ass dead stare. Generosity was big…especially among those with a financial incentive to their dating quest.
Of them all, however, being “funny” took the top prize. Being able to apply humor effectively to any situation consistently scored the highest points of all the flirting techniques offered in the study. Even that, though, is subjective because being naturally clever isn’t as easy for some as it is for others, and forcing jokes because you’re trying to make a move can come off as annoying, pushy, and like a hacky comic desperate for attention. So, the bottom line is this…relax, smile, go with the flow, and be ready to laugh and smile…it’s contagious, and it works. Just don’t try too hard.
Check out the story at LAD Bible