Photo: Westend61 / Westend61 / Getty Images
Are you constantly having to Google what a new slang term means or look up a celebrity who’s in the news or on a red carpet because you have no idea who they are? You’re not the only one, in fact, according to a new survey, one in two Americans feels “out of touch” with what’s cool these days.
The poll of 2-thousand U.S. adults looks into how confident people are when it comes to keeping up with pop culture and finds:
- The average age people really start feeling uncool is 39.
- But Americans feel like they’re still in the know when it comes to the food world (72%), the latest in music (60%), social media (58%), movies (55%), and the latest tech (49%).
- Modern slang is the biggest thing that makes people feel out of touch (40%), followed by knowledge of celebrities (35%).
- About a third (34%) of respondents feel out of touch when it comes to the arts (34%), literature (32%) and fashion (32%).
- If this sounds like you, all hope isn’t lost for you being cool. Two thirds (67%) of Americans think someone’s taste can be improved.
- But 17% say good taste can’t actually be taught, it’s something you either have or you don’t.
Read the full article at Talker