The Top 10 Icks That Lead Couples To Breakup

Conflict, upset and couple fighting on a sofa for toxic, cheating or relationship breakup. Upset, problem and frustrated young man and woman in an argument together in the living room of their home.

Photo: Mikolette / E+ / Getty Images

Anyone can get the ick at any time and they can pop up all of a sudden or build up slowly. The thing is, once you become aware of an ick in your partner or love interest, it’s hard to ignore. That makes the icks, or turn-offs, a silent relationship killer.

While something that gives one person the ick may not even bother someone else, it turns out, there are some that are pretty common. A new survey of 15-hundred adults reveals the biggest icks that lead to relationship breakups.

  • The biggest offender of all? Poor personal hygiene, which more than three-quarters (77%) of folks say they’d dump their partner over.
  • Being rude to others comes in second, as more than half (54%) say it’s their biggest ick in a partner.
  • Another recent survey finds that women (54%) are slightly more likely to get the ick from a partner than men (49%). It also reveals that 13% have unmatched with someone on a dating app because of an ick.

Top 10 Icks That Can Result in Breakups

  1. Poor personal hygiene (77%)
  2. Being rude to others (54%)
  3. Having a messy house or living space (25%)
  4. No sense of humor (25%)
  5. Bad table manners (19%)
  6. Interrupting people (12%)
  7. Talking too loudly (11%)
  8. Referring to themselves in the third person (11%)
  9. Living with parents (8%)
  10. Pretending to be knowledgeable about something (6%)

Read the full article at Yahoo

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