Little Things Women Do That Make Guys Lose Interest

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Photo: svetikd / iStock / Getty Images

When you’re dating someone, even if you’re really into them, they may suddenly do something that makes you wonder what you ever saw in them. A post on Reddit’s Ask Men section has guys calling out the little things that have that effect. It asks, “What are the things that girls do that make you lose interest?”

Hundreds of responses have come in revealing what instantly gives them the ick, including:

  • "Never wanting to do anything. Me: 'Would you like to...' Her: 'No, that sounds boring.' Me: 'How about...?' Her: 'Nah, I don't want to do that.' Me: 'Ok, what would you like to do?' Her: 'IDK, whatever you want to do.'"
  • "When women take zero initiative."
  • "Assume they understand my intentions or motivations because they 'know how men think' or otherwise claim to be exceedingly perceptive or intuitive."
  • "When you're talking to them and they reply, 'OMG that's so funny' while they're occupied with their phones, not laughing or even smiling."
  • "Demand princess treatment, but don’t reciprocate anything. I can’t treat you like a queen if you don’t let me be your king. Entitlement is the turnoff. Someone acts entitled to your affection, time, or money while offering up little to nothing in return."
  • "Gaslighting to think you're only wrong in every conversation"
  • "Talks about all their past lovers."
  • "Short, infrequent texts. Okay okay I get it, I’ll f**k off then. I’m not going to carry the relationship, and you’re clearly not head over heels."
  • "Getting their relationship expectations from social media."
  • "Not having goals or a sense of direction in life can be a turn-off for those who value ambition and drive."
  • "Playing hard to get."
  • "Being too concerned about their social media presence."

Read the story at Reddit

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