How To Make Sure No One Hates You At The Beach This Summer

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This summer, a good number of people while flying and driving to take in some quality beach time. While there, it pays to be a respectful guest…that way you don’t end up being the most hated person there.

  • Smoking – Some beaches have banned it. Others allow it. Either way, don’t treat the sand like your own personal ash tray. That’s just rude, nasty, and thoughtless.
  • Don’t Crowd – It doesn’t matter how crowded the beach is, everyone deserves some space. Just because it’s your vacation doesn’t mean it’s more important than someone else’s.
  • Sand Awareness – That sand you’re shaking off has to go somewhere. Take care that it’s not into someone else’s face.
  • Music – Of course, your music is better than anyone else’s…but is it really worth getting into a fight about to prove the point?
  • Clean Up – Your crap wasn’t there before you got there, and it shouldn’t be there when you leave. As they say, leave it cleaner than how you found it.
  • Game Spaces – Throwing a ball around is great. Just don’t do it on top of other people.
  • Listen To The Lifeguard – They’re on the job for a reason. Don’t be a jerk.
  • Kids – Tides and boardwalks can take people interesting places when they’re not paying attention. Know where the kids are at all times.
  • PDA – It’s nice that you’re in love. No one else needs to see the proof.
  • Dress Appropriately – If it’s not a nude beach, don’t use it as your time to make a political statement. Keep that beast restrained.
  • Food – Put food away when you’re done. Don’t give the seagulls more of a reason to swoop in.
  • Security – Lock down your stuff. No one wants to be hit by your stray umbrella or crushed by you when you chase it down.

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