Teen With Two-Foot Tail Worshiped As “Hindu Monkey God”

Photo: Cata N / EyeEm / EyeEm / Getty Images

In India, 14-year-old Suresh is being “worshipped as a Hindu monkey god.” It’s all because of a “clump of hair” that’s been growing from his lower back that now measures two-feet long and looks like a tail. For whatever reason, he’s had the hair growing back there since he was a child, and the “tail” is now fashioned into a braid. Suresh’s brother says that, when the boy was five, his father tried cutting the tail off…but he became ill, so it continued to grow. Though some worship him, others mock him and even try to set the tail on fire as a joke…plus it “impacts the clothes he can wear and how he sleeps.” Suresh wants to get rid of the tail, but it’s not clear if doctors can help him do that.

Check it out at Daily Star 

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