Man Who's Afraid Of Food Has To Eat With Tongs

Photo: Adam Drobiec / EyeEm / EyeEm / Getty Images

A man in the UK has such debilitating OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), that he’s convinced if he eats food with his hands, he’ll die. John Junior, 34, says he’s terrified of food touching his hands and in order to protect himself during meals, he uses tongs to eat everything…including soup.

Junior says he developed the terrifying intrusive thought after eating undercooked chicken a decade ago. Since then, he says eating with kitchen tongs gives him a sense of safety. “I just can’t physically touch the food. In my head, I think I will die,” the man confesses, adding “I’ve got it nailed down pretty well now. I can eat all sorts.”

Check out the article at NY Post

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