Woman Makes $150/Hour Cuddling with Clients

Woman and man lying down in bed

Photo: Tom Merton / OJO Images / Getty Images

Cuddle up! A woman in New York is a professional cuddler and makes a pretty good living doling out those hugs and snuggles. The 48-year-old former teacher who goes by “Ella” charges a cool $150 an hour to her clientele made up of mostly married men and a smattering of Gen Z women.

So, what’s the fascination people seem to have with a platonic cuddle partner? Ella offers some clarity, saying, “My cuddling sessions offer clients a specific type of intimacy and unconditional acceptance that they’re not getting at home, in talk therapy, or at a massage parlor.” Various embraces clients can pick from include head-to-chest, face-to-face, and bear-hugging.

Read the article at NY Post

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