Photo: AndreyPopov / iStock / Getty Images
Taking care of your own sexual needs is a normal and healthy thing. According to a survey published this year, 35.9% of men own up to flogging the dolphin “at least once a week over the past year.” However, there are not so many studies on guys that do it more frequently than that, how frequently that might be, and how much might be too much. Though the science isn’t quite there yet, there are a few common sense signs that you might be handling your own business a tad too much.
- Injury – There could be chafing and breaking of the skin that might suggest that a visit to the drug store for some quality lube might be in order. Then, there are injuries like Peyronie’s Disease, where scar tissue builds up on your “shaft” because of “too much stroking”
- Your Job Suffers –If you’re ignoring your job because that thought of rubbing one out is more appealing…you might be masturbating too much
- Friendships Suffer – To be clear, there’s no shame in taking a night off from being social to tend to yourself. That said, when you start ignoring friendships and social commitments because of the desire to beat the bishop…there might be an issue going on
- Sex Life Suffers – Sometimes, a guy can be stimulated by one kind of porn genre and work his wand in a certain way…when that happens frequently enough, that’s what his mind and body become accustomed to…and that can become a problem. Take a break and allow yourself to reprogram
- Always Thinking About It – You do it in the morning. You think about it during your lunch break. You think about it during your commute home. You do it when you get home. Then, repeat the next day. You could have a problem on your hands…so to speak
- Inappropriate Times And Places – For the record, doing it at work, in the car, in public places, sneaking away at family functions, in a confessional booth, a gas station bathroom, or any place else that can get your arrested is unacceptable. If someone is letting their yearning take over their common sense of public decency, it might be a sign of a larger issue
Read the full article Men’s Health