Survey: When It’s Okay To Start Decorating For The Holidays

Multiracial family decorating Christmas tree together

Photo: SrdjanPav / E+ / Getty Images

Now that everyone’s had their fill of turkey and pumpkin pie, it’s time to start thinking about decking the halls for the holidays, but when’s the right time to do it? A new survey from LawnStarter reveals Americans’ plans for getting their homes and yards ready for the festive season, as well as their thoughts on when is too early to start decorating.

The poll reveals:

  • Christmas is the holiday the majority of respondents are celebrating (88.3%), followed by New Year’s (65.8%), Winter Solstice (19.8%), Festivus (16.3%), Hanukkah (16%) and Kwanzaa (15.5%).
  • Overall, 86.4% plan to host a holiday gathering this year, but that number is even higher among younger generations, with 91.4% of those ages 25 to 34 planning to host a holiday event.
  • More than two-thirds (70.4%) always decorate their home for the holidays, and only 1.9% say they never do.
  • The parts of the home people decorate most are the living room (71.2%), the outside of the home (65.4%) and the front yard (54.6%).
  • So when is it too early to start decorating? While 9.1% say it’s never too early, the largest percentage (36.6%) say before Halloween is too soon, nearly a quarter (23.8%) say before Thanksgiving, about the same amount (23.3%) think it’s before December 1st and 7.2% actually think it’s too early to decorate before Christmas Eve.
  • As for when most people start decorating themselves, 24.4% start between Thanksgiving and November 30th, followed by 22.7% who begin a few weeks before the holiday, while 6.4% don’t start until December 24th.
  • When it comes to taking down those holiday decorations, 22.7% do it the day after the holiday, 35.5% before New Year’s, 29.9% do it in January and 7.5% wait until February.

Read the article at LawnStarter

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