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This time of year is filled with festive gatherings and holiday parties, which can be a lot of fun, but they can also wreck your health goals. Late nights, cocktails and heavy foods can mean less sleep, feeling bloated and gaining a few pounds. But with a little planning you can enjoy the celebrations of the season and stay on track with your health.
Registered dietitian Vanessa Rissetto shares her advice for having fun at holiday events while staying on track with health goals.
- You don’t have to go to every event - Just because you’re invited to something doesn’t mean you have to say yes. Rissetto says it’s okay to be picky about our RSVPs and reminds us that we don’t have to stay long when we do go.
- Don’t arrive hungry - The key to not overeating is to always eat something before the event. Pre-game with some protein and fiber-filled snacks, like berries, apples, nuts so you don’t load up on cheese and crackers when you get to the party.
- Divide your plate: 50% veggies, 25% protein, 25% starch - If your event has a buffet, fill half your plate with vegetables so you get plenty of nutritious food first. Then go for protein, using the palm of your hand minus your fingers as a guide for a portion that’s about 3.5-ounces, and get 1.5 to 2 palms of protein. Then the rest of your plate is for rice, pasta, corn, peas, potatoes and bread, or dessert.
- Never drink on an empty stomach - If you’re sipping on a festive cocktail, make sure to eat something first. That way you’re more likely to make mindful choices about what you’re putting in your mouth, both food and drinks.
- Pace yourself - It’s easy to lose count of drinks when someone keeps your glass full at a party. To avoid overdoing it and having a hangover tomorrow try:
- Having a glass of water or two after every cocktail or glass of wine
- Have a drink that’s not your favorite, so you won’t drink it as quickly.
- Try a mocktail, something fun and booze-free.
Read the article at Today