“Between The Sheets” Report Reveals What Americans Do In Bed

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Most of us would love to get a great night’s sleep every single night, but we’re not always doing what we should to help make it happen. The first-ever “Between the Sheets” report from Hotel Collection, a lifestyle goods brand, reveals what Americans are doing in bed. And it’s a lot more wholesome than you might expect.

According to their research:

  • As you might expect, sleeping is the most common activity people do in bed, but second is … watching TV (65%), followed by reading (62%). Having sex (60%) and checking social media (60%) are tied for fourth.
  • A third of Americans (33%) also admit they eat between the sheets.
  • But when it comes to cleaning those sheets, some people aren’t doing it enough, as 45% admit they only wash theirs a couple times a month.
  • Think that’s enough? Consider that 61% of Americans share a bed with a partner, which means twice the dirt and sweat and skin cells. Half of Americans also have a guest or pet that ends up in their bed at least once a week and 45% have sex at least once a week in those sheets.
  • When it comes to sleep, a quarter of people are getting less than six hours a night.
  • Only two in 10 follow a strict bedtime or sleep schedule.
  • To optimize their sleep, people use white noise, meditation and scent, either from a candle, diffuser or room spray.
  • Two-thirds prefer their sheets to smell like fresh, clean or soapy fragrances, while 57% want their bedding to smell like “calming, peaceful and aromatic” fragrances like you’d find at bougie hotels.

Read the full story at Investor Observer

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