Car Mysteriously Crashes Into Second Story Of House


Photo: Getty Images

A fire department in Placer County, California had to find a way to get a vehicle out of the second story of a home this week. The CAL FIRE Rescue Team needed to use a rope system to remove the car. The utility company PG&E even had to shut off power in the neighborhood while crews worked to stabilize the roof of the home’s garage and rescue the driver of the car.

As to how the car got up there in the first place, it’s still unclear. However, the top theory submitted by commenters includes, “Looks like the car flew up then came down on part of the roof as it went through the window.” They added, “Had to be speeding to fly that far and hit that hard.” Luckily, CAL FIRE has announced there were no other injuries “to the occupants of the home or first responders.”

Read the full article at Jalopnik

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