Customers Say Beauty Product Attracts Wolf Spiders

Nephila clavata Joro orb weaver spider on web 8

Photo: David Hansche / iStock / Getty Images

Your lotion could be attracting some spine-tingling pests. Customers are posting on Sephora’s makeup website about how after using Sol De Janeiro Delícia Drench Body Butter, they’ve noticed an increase in wolf spiders “coming out” after applying the balm. One spooked client even said, “Normally I’ll see one every like 3 years, I used this and it was every day. I stopped using it and haven’t seen one since.”

So, is it true? A professor of biology at Ohio University, says, “there is a remote possibility” that one of the chemicals in the Sol de Janeiro cream could be attracting wolf spiders.

Read the article at NY Post

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