Just 5 Minutes Of Decluttering Could Boost Your Sex Life

Pile of junk in a house, hoarder room pile of household equipment needs clearing out

Photo: cerro_photography / iStock / Getty Images

Is your sex life less than sizzling these days? It happens to the best of us, but it turns out, there could be a simple fix. According to experts, cleaning up your bedroom can fan the flames of passion.

“Studies show that clutter kills libido,” explains sex educator Portia Brown. “A messy and disorganized space can cause stress, which is not good for our sex life.” If you start thinking about the laundry that you need to put away and your to-do list of unfinished chores, you’re definitely not focusing on pleasure.

Cam Fraser, a men’s sex coach, agrees, adding that the bedroom should “be like a little sanctuary” instead of a room filled with messes, stresses and distractions. The good news? All it takes is a quick five minutes of decluttering before initiating sex to help ensure you’re both in the mood.

Read the full article at NY Post

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